
Archive for July, 2008

My Favorite Beach Read

Thanks to those of you who have been waiting patiently.  Several weeks ago I shared in my Summer Reads  post that there is a book I love so much that I reread it each year during our Week at the Beach.  So for those of you who have been anxiously waiting, here it is –

One of my all time favorite books is….
Gift from the Sea

by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

Anne was the wife of famous pilot Charles Lindbergh and the mother of 5 children.

I love how she describes her life, it sounds a little familiar….

“The life I have chosen as wife and mother entertains a whole caravan of complications.  It involves a house in the suburbs and either household drudgery or household help which wavers between scarcity and non-existence for most of us.  It involves food and shelter, meals, planning, marketing, bills and making the ends meet in a thousand ways.  It involves not only the butcher, the baker and the candlestick-maker but countless other experts to keep my modern house with its modern “simplifications” (electricity, plumbing, refrigerator, gas-stove, oil burner, dish washer, radios, car and numerous other labor-saving devices) functioning properly. 

It involves health, doctors, dentists, appointments, medicine, cod liver oil, vitamins, trips to the drugstore.  It involves education, spiritual, intellectual, physical, schools, school conferences, carpools, extra trips for basketball or orchestra practice, tutoring, camps, camp equipment and transportation.

It involves clothes, shopping, laundry, cleaning, mending, letting skirts down and sewing buttons on, or finding someone else to do it.  It involves friends, my husband’s, my children’s, my own and endless arrangements to get together, letters, invitations, telephone calls and transportation hither and yon.”

Now, if I didn’t know better, I would think she was describing my life – the life of a woman in the year 2008.  Except for there is no mention of computers, Internet, email, instant messaging, cell phones or text messaging because this book was written in 1955.

Life doesn’t change much for us mothers, does it?

That is one of the reasons why I love this book – Anne’s message, 53 years later, is still as applicable to us as it was to her in 1955, especially when she writes –

“What a circus act we women perform every day of our lives.” 

Each time I read the book I find a new message that I need.

This year the message I found for me was the following…

Over the years we as woman have gained much mechanically (invention of telephones, appliances, computers etc.) but spiritually we have, I think, unwittingly lost.  In other times women had in their lives more forces which centered them whether or not they realized it, sources which nourished them whether or not they consciously went to these springs.  Their very seclusion in the home gave them time alone.  Many of their duties were conducive to a quiet contemplative drawing together of the self.  They had more creative tasks to perform.   Nothing feeds the center so much as creative work, even humble kinds like cooking and sewing…..”

Each of us is a creative person, whether we think we are or not.  Some of us may be creative with a paint brush or a needle and thread.  Others are creative in the kitchen or in the garden.  And for some of us our creativity is expressed physically or intellectually.  Creativity is whatever feeds our soul.

“What matters is that one be for a time inwardly attentive.”

For me I find that source in different places – sometimes it is my garden, sometimes my kitchen and sometimes with my sewing machine.

I have always loved to create.  My mother is a creator too – when she was younger she found her creativity in a paint brush and canvas and we have some beautiful paintings that prove it.  Now, in her later years, she finds it doing genealogy research on the Internet.

As a child I loved to create – I loved the summer craft classes where I created a gold-leafed mirror, a macrame plant hanger or a decoupaged box (it was the 60’s and 70’s remember).

I don’t consider myself terribly creative or original but I love the process of creating – whether it is copying someone elses great ideas or occasionally coming up with an original one.

As Anne says, “It need not be an enormous project or a great work.  But it should be something of one’s own.”

As I got older I learned to express that creativity with a sewing machine when I learned to sew in the 4th grade from a wonderful 4-H leader.

Stretch and Sew T Shirt (1)

Here I am in my lovely first, ever Stretch and Sew T-Shirt – does anyone else remember Stretch and Sew???

As a young mother it was my weekly tole painting classes (thanks to Grandma for babysitting),  scrapbooking and sewing matching outfits for my two little boys.

But as the number of my children increased and I began my homebased business the time and opportunity I had to express my creativity, the time for inward attention grew less and less.

Even though my business involved a creative process – scrapbooking, the majority of my time was spent in running my business, helping my team and helping my customers.  There wasn’t much time left over for my creative work.

After rereading Gift from the Sea this summer I decided that I needed to make more time in my life for the creative work that feeds me.  I pulled out my old sewing machine this past week.  The only use it has seen the last few years has been Halloween costumes and costumes for the various theater productions my children have been in.

I also pulled out the quilt I had begun several years ago, the one that had been sitting in a corner gathering dust.  One of my goals is to create a pieced quilt for each of my children before they are married.  I have managed to complete two of them so far.

I wasn’t sure where I was going to fit this “creative time” into my already full life but I know that when I do, when I make that connection between my head,  my heart and my hands – when I find the time  to be “inwardly attention”, I am a happier mother and wife.

My goal is small – one quilt square a day.  So far, so good.  I’ll post a picture when it’s done.

So what feeds your center, what is your creative work?  I hope you’ll share by leaving a comment below.  Happy creating!

Don’t forget to click through to the actual blog to leave your comment if you are reading this through an email update or a rss reader.

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Yesterday was one of those days that every mother fears – the day you find yourself in your car following behind an ambulance that has one of your children in it. 

The day started off fine.  I decided that I would treat Cali to a pedicure.  I only have a month and a half left before Cali goes off to college and I want to cherish every moment of it. 

As we were sitting in the chairs getting our toes done Cali began to feel nauseous and lightheaded.  As I turned to tell the technician that she needed to go to the bathroom Cali began to have what we thought at the time was a seizure.  Fortunately for us there was a nurse and another medical personnel (can’t remember what they told me they were) in the salon too and they felt it was a seizure so 911 was called. 

After about 30 seconds (which seemed like forever at the time) Cali came to and asked what was going on.   The ambulance arrived and off we went to the hospital.

Of course every “worse case scenario” went through my head during the short 10 minute drive to the hospital in between calls to my husband – who is out of town (aren’t they always out of town when emergencies happen!?), to my parents and to my good friend, neighbor and nurse Debbie – she is always the first one we call in an emergency!

After several hours at the hospital and lots of tests later it was determined that she had not had a seizure (thank goodness) and that she had just passed out.  Yes – my daughter is a fainter.  The more technical, medical term for it is  Vasovagal Syncope.

She has passed out two other times – both due to intense pain.  There was no pain this time but nausea and, lightheadedness can bring it on as well as dehydration and low blood sugar.

I knew she was going to be alright when she asked for a hamburger and said, “Is this going to be on the blog?”  So, I couldn’t disappoint her – it’s on the blog!  And yes, we stopped for a hamburger on the way home – neighbor and nurse Debbie joined us for lunch too – thank you Debbie!

I was also sure to clarify with the Emergency Room doctor that this was not a “pedicure problem” and that future pedicures were possible – he assured me they were.  Especially since Cali and I both only have half a pedicure right now!

The people at the nail salon were wonderfully helpful and even called to check on her later in the day.

Three hours later, emotionally drained but incredibly happy and relieved we returned home.  I was pretty much good for nothing the rest of the day.  Cali took it easy, watching a movie and reading and I spent a lot of time just staring at her and giving her kisses.

How grateful I am for the good outcome we had, I realize that is not the case for all parents following behind the ambulance and my prayers tonight will be extra long.

I am grateful for the scare I had today -because of it I am a little more thankful for my children, a little more respectful of how fragile life is and a little more grateful for the many blessings I have in my life.

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Both college boys are home this week – yea!!  Even though my grocery bill triples I love having them home.

We are spending the week at the beach – my favorite week of the year. (In fact we are there right now, while you are reading this!)

This time Logan is bringing a friend with him, a female friend.  We are excited to meet her and we hope she likes us!

We decided that we should put a Wilkes Family Survival Kit together for her – a kit to help her survive us!

Before you get the wrong idea – we are NOT the Family Stone but like every family we do have our quirks.

We put a few items into the survival kit that might help her get to know us a little bit better.

beach bag

The kit includes the following:

A cute beach bag – how can you go to the beach without a cute bag!

A pair of sunglasses and a rain poncho – you never know which one you will need in Oregon in the summer.

A First-Aid kit – Logan has a bit of a history of causing injury to past girlfriends.  He broke the shoulder of one and crashed a motorbike with another one.  (All were accidents of course!)

Flip Flops – We hope she’ll Flip over us – and that we won’t be a Flop!

Kit Kat Bar – in case of emergency remove wrapper and eat (her favorite candy bar)

Popcorn with a package of M & M’s – the only way the Wilkes family eats popcorn!

Sand bucket and shovel – We hope she’ll have fun playing on the beach with us.

An Oregon baseball cap –  She’ll fit right in!

Deck of cards – You can’t spend much time with the Wilkes if you are not a card player  – if she’s not, we’ll teach her how!

A scented candle called “Beach House” – Welcome to the Beach House

Welcome to Oregon Becca!

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