
Archive for October, 2008

I’m tired and happy!

I spent the last 3 days in Utah visiting my 3 college children.  I had so much fun and I think they enjoyed my visit too – did you guys??!!  But I came home tired and ready to go back to my boring life where you go to bed before the next morning!  There is a reason you have babies when you are young and a reason you go to college when you are young – it takes a lot of energy and you don’t get much sleep!!

When I asked Cali what her favorite thing about being away at college was, she didn’t hesitate with her answer.  “Being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want and not having to be in at any certain time – no curfews!”  I still remember experiencing that sense of freedom for the first time 30 years ago.

For those of you who don’t have children in college yet or those who have just sent their first child off to college I thought I would share some tips I have learned over the last  six years of having children in college.  Some suggestions that might make your first visits easier and more enjoyable.

1.  Bring treats!  Yes, no matter how old your children get they still love treats.  I managed to fit a batch of caramel corn, caramel brownies and snickerdoodles into my suitcase.   Their roommates will love you too!

2.  Be flexible.  As hard as it may be to believe when your children are little, when they are constantly underfoot and can’t stand to be away from you, there will be a day when you have to fit into their life.  The day when they would rather watch the season premiere of The Office than go to dinner with you.  What is a mother to do?!

You get dinner to go and join them and their friends at their apartment to watch the season premiere of The Office!

3.  Put gas in their car.  When you arrive in town and need to borrow their car to get around – DO NOT expect the car to have any gas in it!  Be prepared to fill their car(s) with gas. (Yes, both boy’s cars were on empty!)

4.  Feed them.  Even after only 3 weeks of school they will be tired of dorm food, fast food and their own cooking!  They will want you to feed them as often as possible during your visit and of course – you will be paying!


5.  Take them shopping .   Cali was kind enough to send me a handwritten list of the items she needed before I came so I could bring some of them with me.  The boys managed to talk me into a few new clothing items they needed too!

6.  Get lots of rest before you go.  We packed a lot of fun into the 3 days I was there – shopping, eating, the theater, church meetings etc.  By ten o’clock at night I was tired.  But as we sat eating ice cream at 9:30 one night the boys asked me what I wanted to do next – my answer was “Go to bed” but for them the night was just beginning.  So they sent their old mother off to bed and off they went for some more fun!

There is a reason we go to college when we are young!

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I sent off another college care package yesterday.  Warning:  If any of my college kids are reading this post and you don’t want your surprise ruined – DO NOT continue reading!

Even though I am actually going to be in Utah for Halloween with the college kids I thought they might enjoy a little Halloween treat before.

I had so much fun putting this care package together and it turned out so cute I almost kept it for myself!


I purchased empty paint cans at the craft store but I am sure you could buy them at the paint store too.  I covered them with some cute Halloween themed paper and added some fun Gothic style letters.  I filled each of the cans with shredded paper (that matched the paper, of course!) and tied some Halloween colored ribbons on the handle.  Cute!


I filled each of the cans with some fun Halloween treats   Cali’s can also had some wool socks and gloves in it because she has been freezing in Utah!  Of course the gloves were green so they matched the container!!


I think the cans would make a darling trick or treat bucket too!  For more details on the treats go here and here. 

Be sure and check back everyday next week for a new Trick or Treat each day!

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Things That Work Notebook

I know for some of you the thought of decorating for Christmas can bring on enough stress and anxiety all on its own without the thought of decorating for a holiday like Halloween!  I must admit as much as I enjoy holiday decorating it can be  just “one more thing” to add to the already long list during a busy holiday season.

Years ago, eleven years to be exact, I found a trick that has help to take a lot of the stress and anxiety out of my holiday decorating and planning.  In fact, it has made it quite pain free and mindless and dare I even say – FUN!!

My trick is my Things That Work Notebook!

decorating book

I purchased this great little spiral bound notebook with blank pages from a wonderful Oregon artist – Mary Anne Radmacher Hershey.  She even personalized it for me.  Any notebook with blank pages will do but I figure if you have to have a notebook you mine as well have a pretty one!

In 1997 I began keeping track of certain things –

-the menus I served at parties and the guest list

decorating book (2)

– photos of the table setting from the party and sometimes even the guests! (And since I started blogging I now take pictures of the food!)

–  the cookies and candy I made each holiday season and who I took plate of goodies to.

decorating book (3)

– and pictures of my holiday decorating

decorating book (1)

By taking pictures of how I decorate each year all I need to do the next year is pull out my Things That Work Notebook along with the holiday decorations.  I don’t have to start from scratch each year wondering where I’m going to put everything and tying to remember what I did  last year.

It works for party planning too -each year I just check my list from last year’s Holiday Brunch.  If I am feeling pressed for time and uninspired I can just repeat the same menu or I can add in a few new recipes if I want.

With my decorating, some years I do it exactly the way I did it the year before but some years, like this year, I tweak things a bit.  I added a few new Halloween decorations this year so I changed some things around  but at least I had a starting point.

Do you have a trick of the trade that helps make your holiday decorating and party planning a little easier?  Please share!!

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Twice a year we measure our children to see how much they have grown.  We do this the first of January and then when school starts.

This year we forgot to measure Tessa when school started.  I guess it is just having one child at home that makes you forget things like that.

Jim got out “the board”.

growth chartMeasuring Tessa

“The Board” was my husband’s brilliant idea!  Twenty years ago, when Logan was 4 and Clark was 2 we decided to measure the boys.  Instead of doing it on the inside of some door jam my husband suggested “The Board”.  That way, if we moved, we wouldn’t have to leave behind those memories for someone to paint over.

Here are the first marks we made on the board.

 Growth chart (3)

You can see that Clark grew quite a bit that first year.  About 3 1/2 inches!

When we first started “The Board” we never imagined we would have to add an extension to the not quite six foot long board.  Being as short as I am and having a husband that is 5’10” we figured we were safe with that board.

But we forgot – we forgot that my husband has a 6’6″ brother and thus we were blessed with a 6’1″ son!

Growth chart (1)

I love “The Board” and having that visual reminder of how small my children once were and how tall they are now.  “The Board” also reminds me, as do my children, of how short I am!

For those of you who have never met me in person – I am short.  I am 5’2″ short!

When I was two years old the doctor measured my bones and told my mother I would grow to be 5’7″ – he lied!

There are challenges that come with being so short!  One of them is having problems reaching things off the top shelf.  When I would ask one of my children (mainly Clark, since he was the tallest) to help reach something for me he would always ask, “And why do you need me to get that down for you?”

He loved to hear my answer – “Because I am short.”  In fact, I think he relished in it!

Now that most of the children are gone from home I have had to resort to buying step stools which I have strategically placed throughout the house – mainly the kitchen, garage and my closet.  Now I can reach the top shelf all by myself!

I am sure there are many advantages to being 5’2″.  One advantage is I never had to worry about dating boys shorter than me!  I am sure there are others but….

I have always wished I was that 5’7″ the doctor predicted I would be.  But no matter how much Pilates I do I am still  only 5’2″  tall.   Guess I’ll just have to come to terms with it – because I am short!

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